Partner's Club
Working Together To Touch the Hurting
Now you can be an active part of all that God is doing through Gospel Warriors Ministries Inc by joining our Partner's Club.
As a Partner's Club Member, you will benefit in many ways:
- We Take your seeds and sow them into the ministry. You always have an active part in the fruits of our labor because you are sowing into this work. Every resource and outreach is made possible through your contributions.
- We are always praying for our Partner's. We stand ready to agree with you in faith concerning the needs and petitions you have before the Father. Matthew 18:19 describes the result of two or more believers who touch and agree together. You will be surprised just how difficult it is to find that special someone to agree with you. Not so with Partners. We have the power of agreement working in our ministry especially for you. And that power is especially vital in reaching hurting lives with the Word of Grace.
- We reach out to our Partners with special messages of encouragement from our President, Elder Edmund J. Brown. He has you in mind as he brings you subjects of practical interest that will refresh you in your daily walk.
- We welcome your testimony or any words that you wish to share with others that may help to encourage them. We all need each other; For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?..., But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him... (See 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27).
- We are always looking to add and improve on the services that we offer. We are not content where we are; we are looking to grow into areas of ministry we never dreamed possible.
Becoming a Partner's Club Member is so easy. Here's all you need to do.
Pray and ask God whether or not this is something that you should do. After you have fulfilled all your obligation to your home church, agree on a monthly contribution that you would like to sow into this ministry.