Follow The Dream God Has Given You
Have you ever had a dream inspired by the Holy Spirit; a dream of doing something really great for Jesus Christ? Perhaps you saw yourself leading thousands of people to the Lord, or doing something to move the hurt out of the lives of individuals.
At some point in your life you probably had this or a similar experience, but you backed away from it. You probably thought within yourself, "I could never be used of God to do anything special like that."
Well, I have some good news for you. If you will believe God and follow your dreams, nothing will keep you from success.
We all know the story of Moses, and how God used him to deliver the children of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. But Moses did not start out great. He did not believe that he could be used of God at all. He had a poor self-concept and a low view of himself. He once dreamed of delivering God’s people, but he did not think he could pull it off. So he forgot about it and settled for a mediocre and predictable life. He was contented with a lukewarm faith.
But God knew that no one else could do what He called Moses to do. So when God came to Moses in the wilderness, He did not ask him for any credentials. He did not mention his shady pass, or require him to justify himself in any way. God simply told him to go and tell Pharaoh to "let my people go."
You see, it didn’t matter who Moses was or what his professional background experience was. What mattered most was that the living God was with Him and backing up every word Moses commanded.
The same thing is true for us today. We may not have (and we don’t need) a past history of success and prestige. We don’t need a reputation for being the most influential and gifted saint. We don’t need a proven track record to answer God’s call. All we need to follow the dream is God’s presence.
Think about that when the devil calls you a failure and laughs in your face. Think about that when the big shots in the church look over you and consider you insignificant. Think about that when all the evidence in your life seems to say that you will never do what God has put in your heart to do.
Just look up to heaven and rejoice because the living God is with you and will surely see you through. Now dare to follow your dreams.
Lindia Brown