Greetings in the Name of our Savior.
My name is Lindia Brown and I am the Director of our youth for Gospel Warriors Ministries.
Youth are beautiful people. They are strong, adventurous, and not afraid to take risks. With the right motivation, they have the potential to move mountains.
But our culture has them terribly confused, and as a result, many of them are the victims of the commecial and entertainment industry. Their nams are written throughout crime statistics and obituaries. It is so sad to witness the innocent young lives that we so often lose through violence, abuse and tragedy.
Our goal is to change this by presenting the love of Christ to them, believing in them, and challenging them to make right choices. We are confident that they can change this nation starting in their homes, schools and communities. If we act as their role models, teach them what to do and give them the opportunity, they will come through.
Through the challenge of the GSP HookUp, we are taking our youth back.